AIR Talk
Art Talk & Sharing
by Volker W. Hamann
Volker W. Hamann work as a fulltime artist for 16 years. He started as a sculptor, after few years, photography also became important for him an his work. As next step he was searching a way, how he can connect sculptures with photography. Followed by his Temporary Light sculptures, a mix of sculptural aspects and video-art.
Again and again he reaches for the limits of his physical and psychological capacity, he seems to be overtaken by his ideas, giving us the impression of not being fast enough to express his visions, that he is lagging behind in this speedy race, hardly able to sketch tings down in time. Every day is bringing new innovative powers t the fore and be it in workshops, on trips or travels, these powers are close to eruption point.

A German Artist Residency Project collaboration with Goethe-Institut Malaysia
30th Nov 2009
Lost Gen Art Space