Evil is all around
Solo Exhibition Choo kok choon
Choo Kok Choon (born 1980), currently living and working in Johor Bahru. This is his first solo exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, that presents his 2009 new series – “Du-Lan Man” and some of his unique life drawing. Kok Choon’s artworks is about his horrible thoughts and feeling in everyday life. He tried to figure out the discrepancy between strong and weak, the threatening around us. The word “Du-Lan Man” is from one of the Chinese dialect, means “man of hatred”. He intend to depict the dangers and tragedy which could possibly happens in our country, and even to us innocent peasants. We are indeed trapped in a horrible place!

24 October – 06 November 2009
1.00pm- 5:00pm
Lostgen Arts Space