Madline 2.0
Solo Exhibition Eddie Choo
“I draw what i see when I drive where I go how I think who I am”
The artist apprehends that leaving behind the familiar place inevitability leads to a new voyage. The disorientation of streets, ports and the alleys fancy a river that drift towards endless ocean of uncertainties.
A voyage has two opposing points - the beginning and the end respectably. Suppose a voyage is just a fictitious space-time, the sceneries end at the point where the traveller arrived. The numbers of sceneries dictates the numbers of junctions. The possibilities of the end route are vast.
In “Madline 2.0”, the artist continues her voyage from the pervious exhibition “Diary of Madlines”. The artworks are expressed using basic elements of dots, lines and plane. The random yet mechanical qualities of drawings convey the traces of the artist’s voyage of life. The traveling lines and the impressed dots made up to the idea of endless route.
Madlines—being swift yet direct, tirelessly travelling towards the other side…
Eddie Choo
Eddie Choo, a Malaysian born artist that graduated from Fine Art program in Dasein Academy of Art, Malaysia. She is currently furthering her studies in Taipei National University of the Arts. Eddie participated in 2013 artist residency by Lostgen Contemporary Art Space where she held a solo exhibition that titled: “Diary of Madline.” In year 2015, she was one of the recipients of Outstanding art prize by Taipei National University of the Arts. The artworks were presented in the group-exhibition held in KdMoFA (Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts) under the titled “This is Not a Poisoned Apple”

12 – 25 September 2015
1.00pm- 7:00pm
Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space