AIR Exhibition
OTOA Three Person Show
Sights and Sounds from the Soul’s Underground
The term Art Brut, or Outsider art in English, was by coined by French Artist Jean Dubuffet in 1945 after he chanced upon a collection of paintings made by patients of a psychiatric hospital in Switzerland.
What makes art outside or in? According to Jean Dubuffet, Art Brut is art created outside the boundaries of official artist culture by creators who are not famous and who are not within the artistic circle. This art can be found across various medium such as drawing, painting, embroidery, sculpture, etc. (Due to the power of the internet today and the media’s emphasis on individuality, it is almost impossible to remain outside the limelight or escape fame for long.)
In its latest exhibition, Lostgens’ showcases the works of three artists known for their strong Art Brut characteristics and raw energy. Melissa Lin from Malaysia, Pereira Irving Paul from Singapore, and Gaëlle Chong Van Nah from Switzerland started creating works way before they attended formal art training at college and institutions, and much of their raw expression remains in their works today. Their drawings possess a simple and liberating touch that stem from the desire to express their thoughts and imagination as all three artists have a strong stance on art being the outlet for the soul.
The immediacy in their works can be felt as one can see the wild and almost beast-like strokes in their extroverted pieces, their almost silent touches in their introspective pieces, and the twisted creativity in their flight of fancy pieces. There is no doubt that this exhibition demonstrates the diversity and possibilities of painting and drawing as a medium.
I have known several artists with these natural qualities of creativity who have tried to enter the formal art education system. However, the system is unable to accept their unique way of learning. Lecturers often try to provide guidance in a conceptual manner, sometimes introducing the route academic techniques instead of teaching the individual in a way that honors their individuality or the unique characteristic of the person. From these examples, it is obvious that the soul of an artist can be stifled by the often rigid art education system. There should be the valuing of the creativity of the authentically soulful – their spiritual light somehow does not flourish under the academic expectations of normalcy and utilitarianism. We hope that this trio continues to tend to their pure creative spirits in their journeys ahead.
Yeoh Lian Heng
Melissa Lin works as artist, astrologer and also a editor / writer for Territory Design Magazine from Malaysia.She studies in Fine Art, Academie Minerva, Groningen, The Netherlands and Nightlight Astrology School Certification, Silverspring, Maryland USA .
Pereira Irving Paul works as a visual and sound artist, writer and Tarot reader from Singapore.
Gaëlle Chong Van Nah from Lamboing, Switzerland. She is also a self-taught whose works are rich with mythical, archetypal symbols and imageries. She is a full-time artist based in Kuala Lumpur.

Lostgens’ Artist Residency Project 2013
Date of Exhibition
7th Sep – 21st Sep 2013
7th Sep 2013 , 8.00pm
Soundtrack in exhibition room
Gaetan Chong
Live music
Goh Lee Kwang
Spoken word & sound art
Pereira Irving Paul (XOL)
+ live music jamming, videos and music selection by artists
Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space