AIR Exhibition
The Other’s Words Video Installation
by Chan Lai Kuen
“There can be no such thing as an isolated utterance. It always presupposes utterances that precede and follow it. No one utterance can be either the first or the last. Each is only a link in the chain, and none can be studied outside this chain. Among utterances there exist relations that cannot be defined in either mechanistic or linguistic categories. They have no analogues.”- Mikhail Bakhtin
Born in Malaysia, Chan Lai Kuen works and lives in Groningen and makes works with all sort of mediums she can get her hands on. Currently participating in artist-in-residence program at Lostsgen and lepak-ing in Kuala Lumpur after graduated from Academie Minerva in The Netherlands last summer.

Lostgens’ Artist Residency Project 2015
Date of Exhibition
9th – 22nd Jan 2016
9th Jan 2016 , 8.00pm
9th Jan 2016 , 8.30pm
Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space